
Sterni Festival 2024

Final Informations

The final preparations are underway and the team behind the Sterni Festival is gearing up for the final phase of planning, which has been ongoing since September 2023. In this article, we summarize the most important information for you once again:


We are still looking for helping hands at the bar, the entrance and the awareness team to support us at the Sterni Festival.Click here for registration and the goodies that await you: ➡️Helfer Anmeldung.

Arrival by car

On the weekend of the Sterni Festival there are only very limited parking spaces available in Saland and the surrounding area! There are several events in the area on the same weekend. Therefore, please use our shuttle service from Saland train station: (approx. 10min drive to the festival site). You will find parking spaces at the following two locations:
📍Parkplatz 1 /📍Parkplatz 2

Shuttle timetable

Shuttle: 17:30 -00:30

Shuttle: 12:00 – 16:00 und 19:00-00:30
Taxi: 16:00 – 19:00; Ab 00:30

Shuttle: 04:30 – 10:00 und 13:00 – 15:00
Taxi: 10:00 – 13:00

Es stehen Taxis für eine kleine Gebühr (ab ca. 5.- pro Person) auf Abruf zur Verfügung:
+41 79 666 60 12 / +41 78 322 71 60 / +41 78 955 61 49

Night trains

There are no night trains from Saland. Last or first connection to Winterthur from Saland 00:16, platform 2 / 05:16, platform 2.

Evening box office

There will be a box office, but prices are 5Fr. cheaper in advance

Ist möglicherweise ein Bild von Text


If you want to relax a little in addition to the great music, there will be workshops and fun and games for the kids on the grounds from 09:00 on Saturday. All these activities are of course included in the ticket price. 

Ist möglicherweise eine Grafik von Text „Workshops SAMSTAG JURTE 09:00 10:15 YOGA MIT PRISCILLA 10:00 11:30 BRUNCH 13:00 11:00 OPEN JAM SPIELWIESE 14:00-16:00 KIDS MALEN 14:00-19:00 14:00 -19:00 SPIEL & SPASS 17:30- 17:30-18:30 18:30 TANZIMPRO 20:00- OPEN END FLOW ARTS JAM 21:00 21:00-23:0 23:00 HOW TO MODULAR? VILTER ZÜRI OBER LAND DUAS DASYSTEM AAAPLOIT Ahoikil Ahoiltill STADTCHALLER WINTERTHUR W“

Do you have any further questions?

If there are any unanswered questions, please take a look at the info overview page and if your question cannot be answered there, please contact us at info@sterni-festival.ch

We are really looking forward to seeing you ♥🥰
